2014年6月2日 星期一


  • 現況:
  • 包含紐約市與芝加哥市的30個學區,已經同意增加高中及更低年級學生有關程式語言課程,並於今年(2014)秋天開始實施. 
    Some 30 school districts, including New York City and Chicago, have agreed to add coding classes in the fall, mainly in high schools but in lower grades, too.
  • 源起:
  • 對許多家長來說,程式語言看起來越來越不像是課外活動,而更像是基本的生活技能,而且,是能讓孩子得到好的工作,甚或是立即的財富. 
    To many parents, coding looks less like an extracurricular activity and more like a basic life skill, one that might someday lead to a great job or even instant riches. 
    “Computer science is big right now — in our country, the world,” she said. “If my kids aren’t exposed to things like that, they could miss out on potential opportunities and careers.” 
    ‘I can’t take my kid playing one more hour of video games,’ ” he said. But if the children are exploring coding, the parents tell him, " ‘I can live with that all night long.’ ”
  • 課程內容:
  • 主要是借用來自MIT在2007開發Scratch的視覺化程式語言(Visual Programming Language, VPL)的一些概念來教導小朋友. 
    The use of these word-command blocks to simplify coding logic stems largely from the work of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, which introduced a visual programming language called Scratch in 2007. It claims a following of millions of users, but mostly outside the schools. 
    Then, in 2013, came Code.org, which borrowed basic Scratch ideas and aimed to spread the concept among schools and policy makers. 
    But well into the session, she and her fifth-grade friends were digging in, moving basic command blocks to get the Angry Bird to its prey, and then playing with slightly more complex commands like “repeat” and learning about “if-then” statements, an elemental coding concept.
  • 感想:
  • 第一個問題,就是視力,太早接觸電腦,視力一定會受影響. 
    第一個可能的專業,寫程式,像是Computer Science.
    第二個可能的專業,整合性的自動化機器,像是Electronic Engineering.
    第三個可能的半專業,整合性的商業應用,像是Finacial Engineering.

